Name in Chinese Characters Calligraphy Painting

Your name will be hand-written in Chinese characters/symbols on a painting with silk brocade border, in one of several popular frame sizes. Simply select the size of painting you wish to have made and enter your name and the words to be written beside your name and we will take care of the rest.

Most name paintings are completed within 24-48 hours, and shipped from Florida via UPS or the United States Postal Service, so depending on the service you select you may receive your finished artwork in as little as 2-3 days.

If you have a special project, or need something more customized than what this page allows feel free to call or email us for assistance and we will work with you to create a name painting to your exact specifications.

PLEASE NOTE: The price listed is for a 8x10 calligraphy name painting, larger sizes are offered for an additional charge by selecting the desired size below. You may also select the silk border color from the drop down lists below. If you would like a color not listed please contact us before ordering and we will try to accommodate you.

Example Calligraphy Name Paintings

There are two examples provided with this listing and below you will find the meaning of each calligraphy name painting example.

Name Painting 1

Name = Ruth
Inscription = A friend made is a road paved, an enemy made is a wall built.

Name Painting 2

Name = Edward
Inscription = The dragon has nine sons and each of them are different from the others.

Available Options:

Enter a Name or Word :

Enter Words or Phrase :
Up to 60 Characters



Item Size/Details

Item Number: 1443in
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