Surprise someone with a special gift, this custom name in Chinese writing calligraphy symbols painting can be personalized just for the recipient. This name in Chinese writing calligraphy symbols painting is one of the most unique gifts you can give. The example shown is the Chinese symbol for love and under that are the symbols for "James Loves Iris Forever" and the date it was painted. Painting size is 6x12 inches, which includes the silk brocade border. You may choose the border color from the drop-down menu below. This custom Chinese calligraphy painting service allows you to have your name and even the name of someone else written together in Chinese calligraphy symbols, along with a few words or short phrase. You can choose the large Chinese symbol, the names and/or the phrase you want us to use for your name in Chinese writing calligraphy symbols painting.
How to Order Your Name Painting
Enter the word for the large character Enter the names and/or words for the small characters. Using the example shown you would have entered "large symbol love" and "James Loves Iris Forever" into the text box below. Feel free to be creative and to personalize the message, we can write almost anything you want (as long as its clean) on your Chinese calligraphy painting. There is a limit of one large word, two names and five additional words (eight words total) OR three large symbols. One word or name may translate into 1-5 symbols.
For detailed calligraphy paintings please contact us for assistance.
If you would like to have a Chinese calligraphy name scroll created visit the Chinese Calligraphy Names category and choose one of the name scrolls listed there. We offer several different sizes and custom services are available by calling us.
Available Options: Enter a Name or Word : Paper Color: Standard Beige (+$5.00) Blue (+$5.00) Peach (+$5.00) Red (+$5.00) White (+$5.00) Yellow (+$5.00) Silk Border Color: White Red Blue Layout: Vertical Horizontal
Item Size/Details Painting Size: 4x10 Inches
Rice Paper Color: See Options Menu
Silk Border Color: See Options Menu
Overall Size: 6x12 Inches
Item Number: 1434